Get your outgoing IP address on our white list. Contact your Verizon Wireless business sales representative to obtain these credentials. This is a special username and password that can only be used to authenticate for API sessions. Know your company's Verizon M2M account name and API login credentials. You're probably ready to jump right in and get started, but there are some preparatory steps that you have to take before you can write an application to communicate with the ThingSpace Platform web services. There is a separate tutorial that covers creating a listening service for asynchronous callback messages from the ThingSpace Platform, and registering to receive those messages. Logging out - Invalidate a session token so that it can no longer be used.Retrieving device information - Find the phone number assigned to the device during activation.Activating a device - Initiate service for a device so that it can send data on the Verizon network.Authenticating - Log in with a username and password and obtain a session token.This tutorial will walk you through the steps required to use those C# tools, load the M2M web service descriptions into your project, and use the M2M classes and methods to accomplish some common tasks, including:
You don't need to know how to read XML, and you certainly don't need to be a SOAP expert. There are standard C# libraries that convert XML messages to C# objects and vice-versa, and the Wireless Network Services SDK includes some common methods and client proxies for all Wireless Network Services web services. If this is your first time working with SOAP or XML, don't worry - you'll only be working with local C# classes and objects.